Sunday, March 23, 2025

1006. Choose Life (It's Found in Jesus, Not Works and Law)

The law that came to the Jewish people through Moses was considered to be a word that they believed was able to save their souls and result in attaining righteousness. The only requirement was for them to do it—all of it. After the cross, even Jews who came to believe in Jesus lacked an understanding about a new and better covenant ... as they continued to pursue a relationship with that law of works.

The difference in gaining life is found in Christ by faith. Under the law in Deuteronomy 30, "The word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it." It is referencing the word of the law. Paul quoted this reference in Romans 10 but brought a needed revealing of the gospel ... "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved."

The word of law that demands doing vs. the word of faith that results in justification by believing ... the difference is as far as the east is from the west.

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Sunday, March 16, 2025

1005. Let's Talk About Love

It is difficult to give to others what we do not have ... or do not understand that we have within our possession. This is true when it comes to the love of God. Even many believers in Christ have doubts about God's love for them. The Bible defines or identifies God as One who is love. The world is filled with people who want to know what love is through personal experience. It begins with God.

Love can be considered the most powerful dynamic as it relates to God and His creation. Comprehending the love of Christ surpasses knowledge but brings strength to our inner being by His Spirit. Knowing this love is a revolutionary game-changer, not only inwardly, but in our response towards others—including the good, the bad, and everything in between.

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Sunday, March 09, 2025

1004. Justified and Saved Apart From Works - Now What?

Many of us were indoctrinated with "popular and mainstream" church sermons which included many things straight out of the Bible ... but the Kool-Aid we were drinking left us thirsting for more. Works-based ideologies and concepts that suggest our eternity is going to be secured based upon what we do after coming to faith and getting saved will leave even the most dedicated of doers in a place of uncertainty and despair.

For those who manage to escape that kind of spiritual and emotional prison, we often hear from people who are euphoric over their newfound discovery of God's unchangeable love and perfect grace rooted in what Jesus did once for all. But it's not unusual to get the question of "what do I do now?" Those who have been mostly limited to having a relationship with religious duty and obligation are trying to figure out how to live the Christian life from a grace perspective.

We can't live it—not on our own. Our life is not our own, but it is the life of God through Christ in us that will lead and guide us by His Spirit. Does this mean we don't seek to do anything or perform actions that are profitable and helpful? Of course not. But a change of mind will change the motivation, and it's a place of rest, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

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Saturday, March 08, 2025

Locate Grace Ministries

Locate Grace Ministries

Looking for a grace-based ministry, whether a church or online or traveling ministry, or a counseling or coaching service?

Check out Locate Grace Ministries.  Here you'll find various lists of ministries and other resources. This is not our site, but is put together by someone who is passionate about helping people discover and know and grow in God's love and grace.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

1003. Heirs Identified by Faith, Not Doers Seeking Recompense

Hollow religion tends to focus more on our actions—good or bad—instead of the work of Jesus and the blood He shed. Even the most passionate of grace people may end up sliding down a slippery slope of diet legalism if they take their eyes off of the prize ... while contradicting themselves about the gospel and the New Covenant, established and guaranteed by God. It often occurs through a misinterpretation of a few Bible verses ... combined with not understanding their identity as a child gifted with an inheritance. You are not defined by whatever label someone else wants to put on you, especially as it relates to good or bad actions.

Under the Old Covenant, Jews pursued a specific ministry of works through a holy and righteous law, thinking it would help them to lay hold of an elusive righteousness they could never attain. It was a very specific bundle, spelled out in writing through a package of 613 commands. All they needed was to do it. But all fell short and it left them in a place of sin consciousness—wondering what else they needed to do to inherit the kingdom.

In our religious culture today, the church corporation may neglect specifics when it comes to works and deeds which they think are the deciding factor as it relates to faith being dead or alive. That is where the law-minded person will come from. Neglecting to supply a precise list of do's and don'ts is a big piece to leave out of the puzzle. Fortunately, the gospel is far better than this.

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

1002. Are Good Works the Evidence of Faith?

Maybe you've seen it in church buildings where it is declared one is saved by grace through faith, not by works ... and then comes the "but." It's what we call the dreaded and confusing Grace-But Ministries. One of the "buts" is that the faith that saves requires good works as proof or evidence that faith is alive and not dead. They will tout that without this outward evidence of works that are designed to be seen by others, then faith is dead (and maybe they were never really saved in the first place ... in spite of their belief and profession of faith in Jesus Christ).

Even the most passionate grace folks can also slip down a legalistic slope without realizing it. As is usually the case, it can be traced back to misunderstanding a few scattered Bible verses without the revelation of a New Covenant context. Watch out when it's grace one minute and "but" the next.

Let's talk about it…

Are works a requirement for faith to come to life or to remain alive? If so, you'll have something to boast about while God owes you a debt for something you've done.

In legalistic camps—and sometimes grace circles—specifics are almost always omitted, leaving you to guess which works are needed and how much.

Works and fruit are often mistaken for the same thing.

Jesus cautioned against performance for the purpose of being seen by others.

Faith is the evidence of what is not seen (that which is eternal). It's more than a mouthful, which is why two mouths are better than one!

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Sunday, February 16, 2025

1001. Celebrity Status in Heaven?

Although we may not fully understand the specifics of what is ahead of us when it comes to heaven and eternity in general, sometimes it's interesting to wonder out loud and talk about it. However, at times, we might discuss such things almost in the form of a fairy tale, myth, or fable. It's understandable because we're living in our current reality of what we know while trying to imagine something we're unfamiliar with ... something that may be more real than the world in which we now live. (What is physically seen was created from that which is not seen).

In our current state, it's not unusual to see a type of "celebrity status" being given to the people we read about in the Bible. In some religious circles, it may even be an unhealthy, worship-like obsession. Of course, it's natural for us in the here-and-now to wish we could have a conversation with some of these people. After all, we have a lot of questions and much curiosity about things that may be difficult for us to understand. So we might begin to think we'll look forward to the day when we can ask some of those same questions to individuals we now consider spiritually famous.

Let's dive into this swimming pool with no water ?? and speculate as to whether this is likely to occur and if it will even be a desire once we arrive at our destination.

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