Sunday, August 11, 2024

975. How to Fulfill the Law of Moses (Good Luck!)

Did Paul encourage the Galatians to keep the Mosaic law? In spite of the many church teachings we've been exposed to over the years, the answer is no. But one may ask, didn't Paul encourage his audience to work on loving their neighbor as themselves? Isn't this the key summary to people fulfilling that burdensome law? If we chop up one verse without the context, some may assume this is what he said. So let's zoom out and then take a closer look.

Not even this one law from the law could bring life or righteousness. It is not our goal to try to keep it or any lawful command attached with a condition. We have a new motivation as believers in Christ.

Paul begins to contrast the flesh with the Spirit. The flesh can sometimes look sinful and ugly, while at other times it may appear very religious and good outwardly. Jesus fulfilled the law; therefore, the better option is walking by the Spirit and being led by the Spirit in order to avoid all of the old and unprofitable law entirely ... including modernized versions of it.

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