Sunday, September 15, 2024

980. The Futility of Pursuing Righteousness By "Doing"

Paul explains in Romans 9 that under the Mosaic law contained within the Old Covenant, the Jewish people were attempting to pursue righteousness through their works and actions. They believed the commandments written and engraved on tablets of stone would get them to this destination. But they failed. They were never able to attain or arrive at the "coveted" place of right-standing with God through such a law because faith wasn't in the mix.

On the other hand, Gentiles—non-Jewish people—who never had that law of commandments ... and had no covenant with the living God ... and were not chasing after righteousness ... they somehow attained it. This happened apart from the stone tablets and not by anything they did. How is this possible? The short answer is by the grace of God. Of course, a short answer wouldn't make for a very good podcast, so we're taking a dive into this living thing to help grow in our understanding of a simple but profound gospel.

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