Sunday, July 19, 2009

200. Special Celebration Edition - Highlights Part 1

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We're celebrating our 200th Growing in Grace Podcast with a look back on highlights from the past programs that have led up to this memorable occasion! It's been a lot of fun to have you sit in with us on our casual conversations as we discover together what true freedom is all about. We'll continue with our celebrating for the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned for more highlights to come, and of course we're looking forward to many more great chats in the future!

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3


  1. Congratulations Kap & Joel 200 episodes and ya still seem to like each other,,, how are ya doing that ??? Thanks...

  2. I loved it, Joel!

    And congratulations to both of you...

  3. Thanks brothers! By the way, Leonard, the reason me and Kap get a long so well is because the Bible says we HAVE to love one another. We're just following the rules. ;)

  4. Then ya's had better get a room...

    ah ha ha ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha...

    see i figured you were going to come back with something like, "we learned to have grace for each other or we're being rooted in grace",,, see i was just trying to help but sometimes i cant help myself,,, tee hee...
