Sunday, October 07, 2012

363. Persecution

The Apostle Paul talked about the persecution that he had to endure as a believer in Christ. Today most Christians think they are suffering persecution because they have changed are trying to live by a moral code and try to avoid participating in ungodly activity. They think that this is why the cross is offensive to people.

But is this why Paul was persecuted? Is this the offense of the cross? Quite the opposite. And who was it that was persecuting him and the early church? It was the religious folks who had a zeal for the law and commandments.

Persecution (14 Min, 9.6 MB)
(Press Play Button or Right-Click to Download.)

"Watch" this episode on YouTube.

This week's GIGBite (A quick audio sample of this week's program.)


  1. My only fault was that it was too short:( I will like to read both of guys in person, full of wisdom and understanding of scriptures. I have also heard that our 'Godly behavior' is a reason why he are persecuted. This has helped my understanding on the reason why we are.

    I now see it was the religious folks that had a zeal for the commandments.

    The Bible says that nothing good dwells in our flesh, we walk in the newness of life by His spirit that is in us.

    Thanks for another great message. I am going to start posting this on my Facebook wall.

  2. Thanks Joel, and Kap, you hit the nail on the head it is all him and none of us and we can not be used until the Holy Ghost lives through each and every believer, the war of flesh rages on against the Spirit, And the Spirit need not war any longer for it is finished, and the Spirit brings in all those that are wanting to know God, and for all those that are just wanting here and now, there is no life in them and they fight as I used to, hoping all come to see the truth as you all so well put it here on the podcast
    Thanks for having God not only live God's life in you, but more importantly through you

  3. Thanks for sharing the podcast, Mike. And yes, it's so very important that people see that our walk is not about our own goodness and morality, but is about what the Lord Himself does in and through us by His spirit. Newness of life... amen!

    Howard, indeed, that's what we hope to point every believer to - God's life in them and through them!
