Mike and Joel
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Mike Kapler's book, available in paperback and on Kindle
- 588. Fake News: Believers Still Have a Sinful Nature
- 1003. Heirs Identified by Faith, Not Doers Seeking Recompense
- 1004. Justified and Saved Apart From Works - Now What?
- 967. "The Law of Liberty" - Something New or Something Obsolete?
- 570. The New Way: "I Will Remember Their Sins No More"
- 982. We Can't Undo the Work of the Cross (The New Covenant Guarantee Cannot Fail)
- 983. The Law Nullified Brought a New and Permanent Priesthood
- 1002. Are Good Works the Evidence of Faith?
- 1001. Celebrity Status in Heaven?
- 998. Paul's Impressive "Boasting" Resume (But He Trashed It)