Sunday, October 06, 2024

983. The Law Nullified Brought a New and Permanent Priesthood

The world is filled with people wanting to know they are forgiven and in right standing with God. Even professing believers in Jesus may struggle in fear and uncertainty. The foundation of the Christian religion is sometimes a confusing mishmash of works and faith which often puts the focus on behavior and a modernized version of law keeping.

Just exactly what is it that changed when Jesus shed blood and was declared to be the one and only eternal High Priest? Something significant changed and it had to do with the old Mosaic law of commandments being set aside, nullified, cancelled, abolished and declared obsolete. It resulted in a change of law which could not bring perfection—not an amendment to the existing law—but a removal of something that was to be completely replaced, resulting in Jesus becoming the guarantee of a better covenant.

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