Sunday, February 16, 2025

1001. Celebrity Status in Heaven?

Although we may not fully understand the specifics of what is ahead of us when it comes to heaven and eternity in general, sometimes it's interesting to wonder out loud and talk about it. However, at times, we might discuss such things almost in the form of a fairy tale, myth, or fable. It's understandable because we're living in our current reality of what we know while trying to imagine something we're unfamiliar with ... something that may be more real than the world in which we now live. (What is physically seen was created from that which is not seen).

In our current state, it's not unusual to see a type of "celebrity status" being given to the people we read about in the Bible. In some religious circles, it may even be an unhealthy, worship-like obsession. Of course, it's natural for us in the here-and-now to wish we could have a conversation with some of these people. After all, we have a lot of questions and much curiosity about things that may be difficult for us to understand. So we might begin to think we'll look forward to the day when we can ask some of those same questions to individuals we now consider spiritually famous.

Let's dive into this swimming pool with no water ?? and speculate as to whether this is likely to occur and if it will even be a desire once we arrive at our destination.

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